Wednesday, October 22, 2008

miFa 10 mOst riSiNg desiGner sHo0t~

hari weall di invite oleh Hatta Dolmat untuk menjadi one of his production team, memamndangkan he is one of the MIFA 10 most rising designer for this year..
so semua berkumpul kat depan Maison sbb dia shoot kat kelab baru Club69 okay.. huhu
so ok la best.. kul 3 camtuh habis la shoot dia..
tq hatta huhu

club 69.

angel posing.

setup lighting.

hatta tgh pakaikan baju kat amber chia.

test test.


we al. malu pewot tekeluar.



model dia amber chia. so everything ok. jap je shootnyer. hehehe

ok gtg. bye.



A A D said...


damn! amber chia weyh...~

Hello. said...


Hatta Dolmat said...

kimie, nanti nak pic nih taw...mwakhsxx..