Thursday, March 19, 2009

whAt I've beeN woRkin' oN~

heyya peeps!
kinda bz lately.
with my final project, 5 diff types of garment!
so many ah! too much too talk.
only 2 out of 5 prototype, prototype ok. check. done
still got 3 prototype and 5 actual.
after this? hmmMMmMM.
does anyone want to hired me? as?
anyhtin' dat related to fashion.
so this is preview of my final collection, ABC. nyum2. ke?
what do u guys think?

dart manipulation. huhuhu.

i've been workin on the pattern n some experiment~

back view.

thank god it fit nicely on the dress form (dummy) eventho im using flat pattern not draping.
credit to pattern lec who really help me and teach me a lot of tips, tricks and etc.
my final sem, i learn sooooooo many things.
mayb sbb i wat 5 garments.

life after 5.
must go on.
final? still work on it!
really hard! really2 hard ok.
i think so. hMmMmMm
thesis aka research writing?
still lots of things to do.
anyway who want to volunteer or give me any information or the statistic of ppl dat did botox.
huRmM i think i know some of them.
but are they willing to be feature on my research writing?

life after 5.

chill. huhu must go on~


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