Monday, December 6, 2010

vanggey. aiyo nasi vanggey.

one day roadtrip to taiping for kenduri kahwin ended up kitorang makan second round kat nasi vanggey greentown Ipoh.
sedapsedapsedap gila. mmg fabrenziolous!
thanks dino for sharin with us n belanja us.
ketagih. no wonder they called it nasi ganja jugak.
but we went to the new outlet which is urban skit.
dino said they used to go to the first outlet kat old chinese-kedai-kopi style at jalan yang kalsom.
tapi at the time we went they closed already.
so sayang. sbb it taste better. tapi the baru one pon sedap. kalau yang tu? no komen la. lg sedap la kot.
ketagihketagihketagih. seryes.
nak nasik vanggey!

1 comment:

akmal said...

chantiuwwweeeqnyer pic..guna camera apo yerrr??hebat la awk nie!!!!!