Sunday, May 25, 2008

kEna rOmPak~~

last saturday i pergi ke kl~~
jenjalan ngan my fwen kat midval~
and then i nak balik la shah alam, before that g makan kat kfc dulu.. nasik ayam dia bestnya.. kenyang gila... huhuhu
pastuh i pon g la tggu bus kat bawah tuh...
there is cute guy there.. hahah bukan la cute gila babi ke... just nice jew~~
hahaha i cam tgk je la...
pastuh bus pon sampai la..
ramai la org kan nak naaekk... berebut katanya tolak tolak sini sana himpit2 raba2...
yang best partnya i rasa ada org pegang backside i i ingat cam tak der aper la sbb himpt2 kan.. but then hati ini tergerak nak check pocket and....

hP i ilang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg omg omg!! dah kali yang ketiga i cakap lam hati i.. masalahnya hp tuh adalah hp 3310 yang dah berusia 6 tahun.. huhuhu
i pandang belakang i nampak that cute guy tunduk and then i tgk dlm tgn dia ada hp and it is MINE!!! like omg omg~~

i terus cam "hey! bak balik hp aku!! omg!!" malu la plak cam terasa women.. i rasa kalau lelaki lain dah terajang kan.... i cam nyesal sbb i tak jerit or tumbuk dia sbb dia kat bawah hahahah... and one more thing dia bole naek bas yang sama lepas i naek... ish ish tak malu btol... pastuh turun kat sec 2 jugak neyh~~
omg mmg muka tak malu! and then dia bole wat selambe je.. i geram sbb dia tak dapat pembalasan... tapi slah sendrik sbb tak jerit.. heheheh

i tggu bus seranas untuk ke sec 7.. and bump onto my fren yang nak balik sec 7 gak.. and bus pon sampai and that guy pon naek bus yang sama.. muka cam thailand2 yang keje kedai makan camtuh.. kan ada yang elok.. yang ni cam ok2 la... huhu pastuh masa nak naek tuh i cam cakap kuat2 kat kawan ponpuan i tuh yang tadi hp i nak kena curi ngan sorang budak mane tah naek bus yang sama ngan i... dia kat blakang.. im sure dia mesti dengar punya.. mampos la... ko jgn sampai aku jumpa ko ek... heheheh bantai!!

tuh je la uols~~ kita kena la beringat terutama skali masa nak naek bus tuh.. ramai snagt pick pocket sngt skang nih... hurm.. naseb baek la.. lau tak tak der hp lagi la aku~~ sedey la...
hahaha siap ko budak jangan sampai aku jumpa ko!!

ingat la pesanan ini next time i tak nak pakai suar longgar2~~ kena pakai suar ketat baru cam ok x risau sngt~~ huhu

thats all for now~~
tc muahX!

tHe wiNNer iS~~

i rasa i cam terlambat sket la kan.. but then tak pe la kot... huhuhu sajer je tak der pe nak post... like everyone been posting it and im the the last person to do it.. huhuh but then saje je i nak post pic lain skit sbb i suka dia rambut itam~~

whitNey tHoMpsOn

daVid cOOk~

and finally the battle between the davids~~
the winner is david cook~~~
yay yay~~
tak tgk sngt pown ahahahaha~~

k tc uolss~~


Monday, May 19, 2008

A veRy LOng anD tiRinG weEkeND~~

this weekend i have alot of thing to do.. after office last friday as i told u b4 we(17) going to BUBBA GUMP at the curve for a fare well party for the intern AUNHUA(nnt update pic).. best la.. the food is ok. the enviroment and everything.. i was so damn full sampai nak keluar balik.. and then V cannot send me back to office because they are going to karaoke and i dah xlarat.. V ask me to take his car back to the office.. and then i bukak tingkap and rosak!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i almost cry!! i dunno wat to do. nak call x der cre.. tak tau nak watpe.. nik tgh tguu i kat BLU INC.. and then i sampai at first i nak parking kat depan guard jew.. sbb tingkap rosak kan.. tapi lepas i tutup pintu lepas kuar kejap.. i cuba naek kan... NASEB baik boleh!!! ya allah aku dah nak menangis dah.. gila... hahahah

and then i got the invitation to "celebrate 20 years of house music" kat velvet underground.. mula si sha nak g and then tanak pulak penat shopping katanya... pastuh ajak syed pastuh tak nak plak.. hangin aku!! huhuhu but then tak pe la mmg kena tido awal pown sbb esok kena tolong nik for the fashion show...

at 830 bangun already.. get ready to be "ANne HathaWay" hahahah memula pergi breakfast ngan sy8, then g amek erina ngan intan kat mcd.. pastuh amik model2 mana tah yang fauzi guna kat lobi... pastuh amik ana PRM tuh kat banquet plak.. the g amek tinie kat sek7 petronas and last skali amik tg azura kat bawah hotel.. dengar cam amik jer la but then penat okay.. im not not complaining nik.. saje nak citer..

huhuhu pastuh tolong siap2kan.. g lepak sana sini jap bawak kan tinie g starbucks and she belanja me.. huhuh baek gak dia.. pastuh nik ajak balik umah jap.. pastuh kitorang siap2 i masuk la dalam banquet sri bestari kat intekma tuh... the show was ok until NIK ERWAN ROSELI's collection came out and it turn to be a blast... best gila tgk collection kat atas pentas... the baju the model... tinie and tg azura OMG!! we taking about attitude people... best gila diorang catwalk!! meremang bulu roma.. and rite after that we str8 away go back to bilik kat sana change because tg azura and tine kena rush gi genting for the MIssY eLLIot tuh... hurm.. finale nik bawak DILLA... and the best collection goes to NIK ERWAN ROSELI!!! congrats nik!!

me and tinie~

me and tg azura






tg azura~~


nik menang~~

lepas tuh weols suma lepak kat pakli.. makan2 minum2.. and then balik terus tido.. smapi hari ahad.. huhuhu

hari ahad bangun... lepak2 jap and then g umah rizman... lepak2 sana... huhuhu...

semalam tak tau nak wat pa i kemas satu rumah... which is ruang tamu dapur, bilik I je and bilik air.... haha so penat meh... and then nik ajak g kuar jap and then ajak syed lepak kat bangsar pelita.. pastuh tak tau nak wat pe sye8 ajak tgk wayang... hurm. memula nak tgk narnia and i nak tgk what happen in vegas sorang and then diorang ikut i tgk what happen in vegas.. hahaha

tggu angel ngan izan datang pastuh diorang tgk narnia ngan rizman and the gang... and then balik tido huhuhu

thats all for now... huhuhu nanti update lagi k. tc uols


Thursday, May 15, 2008

laMa x g KL jenJalan~~

hey there..
sudah lama i tak ke kl berjalan2.. menghabiskan duet.. dah tiga minggu tak kuar last sekali masa tgk citer LOVE ngan eddy.. tuh last..
semalam lepas keje tetiba SHA ajak teman dia g shopping kat BB.. hurm.. i memula cam mengantuk.. but then mcm ok jer la kan.. tak der nak wat ape gak...
gi la fos kl plaza... sebab dah nak tutup so banyak la yang memurah.. i cam beli i flare jeans jer sbb tgh IN diorang cakp.. tak taw la sesuai x ngan i.. will see la..
me at the heart of kl..

sha n me.. cantik kan pompuan nih~~


lepas tuh gi kedai vintage kat bb..

before this i ada pos pasal kedai tuh.. best gak la barang banyak.. at first i tot i nak cari baju for hari nih JUMAAT sbb today is animal instinct day for our team.. but then tak der.. sha je beli belt.. dah tuh sha beli leggings and g mcd makan.. huhuh

y i keep using huhuhu.. can sumone help me!! huhuhu again!!

si sha tuh shopping banyak gila.. jeles siot.. huhuhu mlm nih ada farewell party for our senior intern Aun Hua.. hahaha kat BUBBA GUMP the curve.. so i tak makan lunch kot today.. save the best for last.. k la take care u olss~~


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

nEw UpdaTes for TodaY~~

malam semalam tido lambat g tolong nik wat baju final dia eventhough sikit je i tolong kan.. huhuh sorry nik!! pastuh bangun lambat gila and when i sampai kat bluinc everyone is there and i yang paling last skali.. naseb baek x kna marah.. huhuh at first we shoot for marie digby who sing the cover version for UMBRELLA in acoustic.. she kinda cute.. mix korean i guess.. what that been told by V.. hurm... and then after lunch the kami boys from KAMI tv series come for the cover shoot for next issue of seventeen..
again! i met him!! i mean ali la.. i suka dia gila.. i wish i were in the series.. zaman sekolah i x mcm diorang pon.. huhuh kan best lau same cam diorang... hahah poyo jew.. penat gila ok... and i was the who choose the baju for him! ahahahaha and its been approved by V...

shoot for cover

lagi dan lagi...

charlotte interviewing him..

me and Kami the Boys

marie digby melukis sumthin..

signing on the GAP t-shirt


the team esther rani, su yi, V, shirley and charlotte

signing on 17 t-shirt

me and marie digby

btw the pronuouciation for marie its not "marie" marie but marie with french accent i guess.. like merier sumthin.. huhuhu

yesterday balik dengan sha intern for GLAM mag.. then g pasar malam.. tapi i tak bli ape2 pown.. then beli my fav nasi goreng ayam goreng kunyit and the ice lemon teathen tgk tv jap.. then tido.. :)

then bangun tolong nik finish the baju because today got assesment.. at 430am tido and 700am bangun g keje.. huhuhu

k la take care uols.. nak g wat keje sket.. huhu


Sunday, May 11, 2008


selepas beberapa lama blog ini bersawang kini i kembali menulis..

sebab kenapa i sudah lama tidak mengupdate blog ini adalah:-

  1. pertama sekali adalah final for the semester is tuff gila punya project so i have to go to bengkel like 24/7
  2. my phone ilang lagi!! omg!! baru beli 4 bulan..
  3. and again hilang because of the kekalutan ketika submit assignment
  4. i mmg pelupa and pemalas..
  5. cannot concentrate thats y blog xupdate and also phone ilang..
  6. lotta of work to do!! again?
  7. because my phone is my camera oso dats y!!
  8. tu je kot!!
    hurm and skang ni final dah brakhir... finally finally!!!
    im free like i wanna high in the sky~~ ahahaha

but then today LUNDI 12th may 2008 i start my intership at the BLU INC Media for SEVENTEEN magazine.. it was quite fun for the first day i guess~~ with all the team..

and they are like so friendly ahahaha and now im waiting for v the fashion writer for this mag to bawak me keluar makan.. and me updating the blog that have not been update since last month like OMG again.. if u dont update then dont do blog la meh.. carut myself hahaha and lsiteing to EMILIE SIMON- Desert (french version) best la weh... huhuhu

dats is for today i guess.. tomorow i will update lagi k... because today just simple thing je i wat like kemas magazine and then ada shoot product for the what column forgot already..

tu je la kot.. hehe yang penting lepas nih punya keje best2..

leter2 i update k.. cya
